The Baptism of Christ

St. John the Baptist Parish Council

Parish Council is made up of elected and ex-officio members who meet four times per year between September and June. Council oversees and approves parish endeavors, building projects and the financial condition of the parish. It acts in an advisory capacity to the pastor.

Parish Council

Elected Members:    Elected Officers:
Vincent Balulis    Darren DeArment - President
Ann Blankenhorn    John Crane - 1st Vice President
Michael Brennan    Heidi Gorski - 2nd Vice President
Bob Burns    Ex-Officio:
John Crane    Rev. Kevin Bobbin
Michelle Darhun    Deacon Robert A. Reiley
Tara DeStefano    Ed Brahler
Heidi Gorski    Tina Seiger
Sr. Mary Jane Hahner    Ray Petrilla
Michael Hummel    Appointed Members
Renee Reddington    John Consugar
Melissa Scheetz    Lucilla Kochol
Michelle Stone
Gretchen Witman
Kay Wollyung
Robert Wollyung

Tell it to a Parish Council Member!

There are two ways that any parishioner may raise a question or concern or make recommendations.
  1. Parishioners may approach any Parish Council Member and ask that a question, concern, etc. be brought up at the meeting.
  2. Parishioners may write their concerns, etc. and put it (them) in the suggestion box provided in the rear of the church. These may be signed or unsigned. They will then be brought up at the Council meeting.

Let Us Know!

Parish Council members are elected to represent the interests and needs of the Parish. If you have a question, concern, idea or wish to become more involved in St. John the Baptist Parish family, please let any of these members of Parish Council know about it. It is our role to discuss and act upon items of importance to our parishioners with the goal of growing the spiritual, social, and financial strength of our parish for generations to come.