Sacramental Information

- 0 Bytes | 8/4/2016
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1.46 Meg | 8/4/2016Sacramental Preparation
In order to receive any sacrament worthily, preparation is necessary. Appropriate education and reflection ahead of times opens and enables us to receive the blessing of grace and strength to live well in the grace after the sacrament has been received.
Sacrament of Baptism
"For all of us, our journey of faith begins with Baptism. Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian Life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments." CCC,1213)
Baptismal Preparation for Parents and God parents MUST precede the Baptism.
Baptism is administered twice a month:
First Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m.Please contact Father Bobbin for an appointment.
Are You Being Asked to Be a Godparent?
If you are being asked to be a godparent or sponsor you need to call the rectory for a Certificate of Eligibility. This means that you are formally registered as an adult and practicing your faith at ST. John's through regular Mass attendance and regularly contributing to the Church.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please call the Rectory for an appointment one year in advance in order to prepare for Diocesan Sponsored
Marriage DialoguesA Marriage Preparation Dialogue (MPD) program centers on some of the topics essential to marriage These include: Effective Communication, Sexuality, Natural Family Planning, Finance, Potential Problems and Spirituality.
A Marriage Preparation Dialogue is an experience-centered learning process. Brief presentations lead into personal sharing with partners. Techniques for each couple to improve their own relationship are a major thrust of the programs.Anointing of the Sick
In the sacrament we pray that the sick be healed in body, in soul and in spirit. God alone knows what kind of healing the sick need most: that a wound be healed; that a fear turn to confidence; that loneliness be embraced by the support of a praying community; that confusion in the face of all the whys—why me, why suffering, why now—turn to insight.
The Sacrament of Anointing does not remove the mystery of human suffering. Yet its celebration gives us a window into the mystery of a loving God. Our loving God raises up the crucified Son to display his victorious wounds, sitting triumphant at the Father's right hand.
Please call Fr. Bobbin at the rectory to receive the sacrament or a blessing before a serious operation.
Please call the rectory if you or a loved one would benefit from simply a home visit and communion.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation, or First Penance is a prerequisite Sacrament for First Holy Communion.
Third grade students from ST.John's recieve the Sacrament of Penance.
Visit this page for more information about this important Sacrament.
Is My Child Ready for First Penance?
Questions as You Prepare
- Does he know the difference between right and wrong choices?
- Does she know what sin is? Can she differentiate between a sin and a mistake?
- Does he feel positive about receiving the Sacrament of Penance?
- How does she feel about celebrating the sacrament?
Students Prepare for Confirmation

Confirmation will take place every year.
Visit this page for more information about Confirmation preparation.