The Baptism of Christ

Catholic Women's Union

j0160999 smaller Catholic Women's Union

St. John's Catholic Women's Union was founded in 1926 and is still an active and viable organization, whose purpose is service and friendship. We meet every month on the third Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in Longinus Hall. We have a short business meeting and refreshments are served. During the year we have interesting programs which include a Fall Harvest Sale, Halloween fun, Christmas Party, Hresko's Chicken Barbecue Sale, etc. We have a wonderful group of women of all ages and interests. Monies raised through our various projects are given to St. John's Church to be used wherever needed. If you would like to join us, please contact the rectory. All women of St. John's Parish are welcome! Dues are only $5 per year!
Contact the Rectory at 570-622-5470.